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연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

갈등과 분열의 시대, 동남아시아의 연결과 포용을 이야기하다 Exploring Connection and Inclusivity in Southeast Asia Amidst an Era of Conflict and Division

2024. 8. 29 ~ 30 ㅣ 국립부경대학교 인문사회경영관


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

한국과 동남아시아: 협력과 연대의 관계 만들기 Building Cooperation and Solidarity between Korea and Southeast Asia

2023. 08. 25 ~ 26 ㅣ 전북대학교 인문사회관


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

포스트 팬데믹 시대의 동남아시아와 한국 Southeast Asia and Korea in the Post-Pandemic Era

2022. 08. 26 ~ 27 | 서강대학교


30주년 기념 연례학술대회 (30th Anniversary Annual Conference)

(탈)경계의 동남아시아 (De)Bordering Southeast Asia

2021.08.27 ~ 28 | 온라인


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아시아 민족 정체성과 비교문화 연구 National Identity and Comparative Cultural Studies in Southeast Asia

2020. 08. 21 ~ 22 | 온라인 회의


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

신남방정책과 동남아시아 지역연구 New Southern Policy and Southeast Asia Area Studies

2019. 08. 30 ~ 31 | 연세대학교 연희관


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아시아의 정치 변화 Political Changes in Southeast Asia

2018. 08. 24 ~ 25 | 서강대학교 다산관


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아시아의 종교와 정치 Religion and Politics in Southeast Asia

2017. 08. 25 ~ 26 | 서울대학교 아시아연구소


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

미궁에 빠진 동남아 Southeast Asia in Perplexity

2016. 08. 26 ~ 27 | 서강대학교 다산관


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

동남아시아의 이슬람화와 권위주의 정치체제 Islamization and Authoritarian Political Systems in Southeast Asia

2015. 05. 30 | 고려대학교 정경관 618호


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

2014 한·아세안 특별 정상회의 기념 학술대회 Commemorative Academic Conference on the 2014 Korea-ASEAN Summit

2014. 12. 04 | 부산 파라다이스호텔 파노라마룸/아틀란티스룸


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

아세안공동체 출범과 동남아연구의 새로운 지평: 국가단위 대 지역단위 The Launch of the ASEAN Community and a New Perspective on Southeast Asian Studies: National vs. Regional Approaches

2014. 5.9 ~ 10ㅣ 부산외국어대학교


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동남아경제와 한국 투자: 과제와 전망 Economy of Southeast Asia and Korean Investors: Challenges and Expectations

2013. 11. 16ㅣ 서울대 아시아연구소


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

동남아시아의 경계 넘기와 상호 연계성 Crossing Borders and Interconnectedness in Southeast Asia

2013. 05. 9 ~ 11 | 목포대학교 교수회관 2~3F


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동남아시아와 글로빌리제이션 Southeast Asia and Globalization

2012. 11. 24 | 고려대학교 국제관


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

동남아시아와 글로빌리제이션 Southeast Asia and Globalization

2012. 05. 11 ~12 | 영남대학교 법학전문도서관


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

한국 동남아학의 현재와 미래 Present and Future of Korean Southeast Asian Studies

2011. 11. 12 | 서울대학교 자연과학과(500동) 목암홀


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

한국 동남아학의 경계와 외연 Boundaries and Extensions of Korean Southeast Asian Studies

2011. 04. 29 ~ 30 | 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 석원경상관


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동남아의 종교와 정치: 국가, 사회 개인 Religion and Politics in Southeast Asia: State, Society, Individual

2010. 11. 13 | 서강대 가브리엘관 109호, 402호


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

외부세계와 동남아 Southeast Asia and the External World

2010. 04. 30 ~ 05. 01 | 부산외국어대학교 외국어학습관 중강당


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동북아와 동남아의 상호연계 Interconnectedness between Northeast and Southeast Asia

2009. 10. 30 |성신여자대학교 성신관 110호


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

한국, 일본과 동남아시아: 인간, 자본, 문화의 이동 Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia: Mobility of People, Capital, Culture

2009. 06. 19 ~20 | 경상대학교 남명학관 남명홀


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동남아의 민주주의와 시민사회의 도전 Democracy and Civil Society Challenges in Southeast Asia

2008. 10. 11 | 연세대학교 새천년기념관 111호


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

한국 동남아 연구의 새로운 지평 New Horizons in Korean Southeast Asian Studies

2008. 04 04 ~ 05 | 전북대학교 자동차산학협력관 대회의실


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

1990년대 이후 한국 동남아연구의 성과 : 회고와 성찰 Achievements and Reflections on Korean Southeast Asian Studies Since the 1990s

2007. 10. 27 | 서울대학교 국제대학원 GL룸


추계학술대회 및 한국학술진흥재단 중점연구소 지원사업 학술대회 (Fall Conference and Academic Conference Supported by the Korea Research Foundation)

아시아의 인권과 민주주의 Human Rights and Democracy in Asia

2006. 09. 22 ~ 23 | 전남대학교


춘계학술대회 및 정기총회 (Spring Conference and Regular General Meeting)

동남아시아의 대외협력과 정치변동 External Cooperation and Political Changes in Southeast Asia

2006. 05. 13 | 성신여대 수정관


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아시아의 정치: 선거정치와 정치리더십 Politics in Southeast Asia: Electoral Politics and Political Leadership

2005. 04. 09 | 서강대학교 다산관 209호


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동남아의 구조적 분화와 문화적 동화 Structural Differentiation and Cultural Integration in Southeast Asia

2004. 11. 05 | 목포대학교 교수회관


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

동남아의 역사적 형성과 구조적 전환 Historical Formation and Structural Transformation in Southeast Asia

2004. 05. 01 | 서강대학교 다산관


하계학술대회 (Summer Conference)

동남아의 문화와 필리핀의 변화 Culture in Southeast Asia and Changes in the Philippines

2003. 06. 14 | 영남대학교 국제관


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아시아의 정치체제와 경제변동 Political Systems and Economic Changes in Southeast Asia

2003. 03. 08 | 서강대학교 다산관


하계학술대회 (Summer Conference)

동남아시아의 발전과 위기, 문화적 정체성 Development and Crisis in Southeast Asia, Cultural Identity

2002. 10 19 | 서강대학교 다산관


공동학술대회 (Joint Academic Conference)

아시아의 이슬람 부흥과 분리주의 운동 Islamic Resurgence and Separatist Movements in Asia

2001. 06. 15 |인하대학교


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아시아의 변화와 정체성 Changes and Identity in Southeast Asia

2001. 03. 03 | 연세대학교 신상경관


하계학술대회 (Summer Conference)

동남아시아의 사회와 문화 Society and Culture in Southeast Asia

2000. 06. 10 | 연세대학교 신상경관


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

경제위기 이후의 동남아 경제와 사회 Southeast Asian Economy and Society After the Economic Crisis

1999. 10 23 | 대구 파크호텔


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

변화하는 동남아시아 Changing Southeast Asia

1999. 06. 19 | 연세대학교 신상경관


추계학술대회 (Fall Conference)

동남아시아: 현실과 개혁 Southeast Asia: Reality and Reform

1998. 11. 07 | 동국대학교 경주캠퍼스


춘계학술대회 (Spring Conference)

세계속의 동남아 Southeast Asia in the World

1998. 06. 27 | 한국외대 교수회관 세미나실


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아지역연구의 새로운 방향 New Directions in Southeast Asian Studies

1997. 02. 26


경주 특별학술대회 (Academic Conference in Gyeongju)

현대 동남아의 정치, 경제, 사회변동 Modern Political, Economic, and Social Changes in Southeast Asia

1996. 06. 15 | 경주


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

아시아, 태평양 지역의 미래와 한국 The Future of Asia and the Pacific Region: Korea's Perspective

1996. 02. 24


부산 특별학술대회 (Academic Conference in Busan)

동남아 지역학의 새로운 접근: 학제간 접근을 중심으로 New Approaches to Southeast Asian Studies: Interdisciplinary Approach

1995. 06. 10 | 부산


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

세계화와 시대를 맞은 동남아에 대한 새로운 이해 Globalization and a New Understanding of Southeast Asia in the Era

1995. 02. 25


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

필리핀 민주화와 베트남의 사회변혁 Democratization in the Philippines and Social Transformation in Vietnam

1994. 2. 19.


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

인도네시아·말레이시아의 사회변동과 베트남의 경제발전 Social Changes in Indonesia and Malaysia, Economic Development in Vietnam

1993. 2. 27.


연례학술대회 (Annual Conference)

동남아의 정치변동과 발전전망 Political Changes and Development Prospects in Southeast Asia

1992. 4. 25.


창립기념 학술대회 (Inaugural Academic Conference)

한국에 있어서 동남아 연구의 현황과 과제 Status and Challenges of Southeast Asian Studies in Korea

1991. 10. 28. ㅣ 외교안보연구원



Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “ASEAN Centrality in the Multilateral Regional Architecture of East Asia”

26-27 August, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Building ASEAN Community and Its Implications for Korea-ASEAN Relations”

4-7 February, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

28-29 August, Shila Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Non-Traditional Human Security and Securitization in East Asia: Regional Dynamics and National Differences”

27-30 January, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

9 January, Hotel Koreana, Seoul, Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Revisiting Transnationalism in East Asia: Emerging Issues, Evolving Concepts”

9-12 February, Inna Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Indonesia.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

11-13 March, Hotel Koreana, Seoul, Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Pop Culture Formations across East Asia in the 21st Century: Hybridization or Asianization”

1-4 February 2009, Burapha University, Chonburi Province, Thailand.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

29-31 March, Liviera Hotel, Jeonju, Jeonbuk. Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Information Revolution and Cultural Integration in East Asia”

25-26 January, University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

29-31 March, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan, Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “East Asian Cooperation and Integration: Implications of the 1st East Asia Summit"

26 November, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference,

5-16 June 2004, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Regional Cooperation and Identity Building in East Asia in the Age of Post-Cold War Globalization”

19-22 February, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Metro Manila.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

1-2 July, Yeungnam University, Korea.


Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on “Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia and Korea: Its Social, Political, and Cultural Impacts”

17-19 February, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.


Workshop for Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference

8 June, AUN (ASEAN University Network), Bangkok, Thailand.


The 2nd Korea-ASEAN Conference

19-20 October 1995, Swiss Grand Hotel, Seoul, Korea.


The 1st Korea-ASEAN Conference on “Economic Relations between Korea and Southeast Asia: Changing Patterns and Policy Issues”

17-18 October.



22 July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

19th Korea Forum: "ASEAN-Korea Relations: 25 Years of Partnership and Friendship"


19 July, Bandung, Indonesia.

18th Korea Forum: "ASEAN-Korea Relations: 25 Years of Partnership and Friendship"


23 June, Seoul, Korea.

21st ASEAN Forum: "Implications of Recent Elections and Prospects for Future Politics in Myanmar, the Philippines, and Vietnam"


9 May, Vientiane, Laos

17th Korea Forum: "Laos and ASEAN-Korea Relations: 25 Years of Partnership and Friendship"


19 April, Hanoi, Vietnam.

16th Korea Forum: "ASEAN-Korea Relations: 25 Years of Partnership and Friendship"


23 October, Seoul, Korea.

2015 ASEAN Forum: "Changing ASEAN-Korea Relations: New Partnership for the Real and Friendship for the Good between ASEAN and Korea”


8 August, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

15th Korea Forum: "Culture ODA and Korean Wave"


20 December, Seoul, Korea.

20th ASEAN Forum: "Elections and Democratization in Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Cambodia, and the Philippines"


2-3 July, Jakarta, Indonesia.

14th Korea Forum: "Commemorating the 40th Diplomatic Relationships between Indonesia and Korea"


26 April, Seoul, Korea.

19th ASEAN Forum: "Higher Education in Southeast Asia: Current Situation And Future Prospects"


21 December, Seoul, Korea.

18th ASEAN Forum: "Myanmar on the Move: Political Change and Its Impact on ASEAN Cooperation"


13 January, Hanoi, Vietnam.

13th Korea Forum: "Korea-Vietnam Relations in the New Context of Globalization"


8 December, Seoul, Korea.

17th ASEAN Forum: "Mekong Development and Regional Cooperation"


26 August, Manila, Philippines.

12th Korea Forum: "Korean Perceptions of ASEAN, China, and the Philippines"


24 June, Seoul, Korea.

16th ASEAN Forum: "Southeast Asian Perspectives on China: Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam"


17 January, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

11th Korea Forum: "The Recent Political and Social Dynamics in Korea"


17 December, Seoul, Korea.

15th ASEAN Forum: "Political Dynamics of Recent Election in Southeast Asia"


20 July, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

10th Korea Forum: "Culture Matters-Korean Wave and Southeast Asian Phenomenon"


29 June, Seoul, Korea.

14th ASEAN Forum: “1 Year after ASEAN-Korea Special Summit and New Asia Initiative”


9 February, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

9th Korea Forum: "'Korean Wave' in Southeast Asia: Korean Culture in Transnational Perspective"


12 December, Seoul, Korea.

13th ASEAN Forum: "Southeast Asian Phenomena in Korea: listen from the origin"


21 July, Selangor, Malaysia.

8th Korea Forum: "Korea's international relations: dealing with a challenging world"


15-16 May, Jeju, Korea.

12th ASEAN Forum: "Vision for East Asian Community: Searching for Korea-ASEAN Partnership"


4 February, Bangkok, Thailand.

7th Korea Forum: "Understanding Korea and Korean Studies: Its Past and Present"


20 December, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea.

11th ASEAN Forum: "Cultural Industry in Southeast Asia and Korean Wave"


16 October, Press Center, Korea.

10th ASEAN Forum: "ASEAN-Korea Relations: Looking Forward to A Better Future"


29 July, Hanoi, Vietnam.

6th Korea Forum: "Contemporary Korea: development and challenges


26 May, Inha University, Korea.

9th ASEAN Forum: "Cambodia: Golden age, darkness and its reconstruction"


10 January, Davao, Philippines.

5th Korea Forum: “New Democracies and Elections in East Asia”


24 November, Sungshin Women's University, Korea.

8th ASEAN Forum: "Civil-Military Relation and Democratic Consolidation in Thailand"


31 July, Manila, Philippines.

4th Korea Forum: "Socio-Cultural Situations and Policies Since the Economic Crisis"


9 June, Sungshin Women's University, Korea.

7th ASEAN Forum: "Review and Prospect of the Doi Moi Policy in Vietnam"


24 February, Sogang University, Korea.

6th ASEAN Forum: "Islamic Radicalism in Southeast Asia"


10 January, Vientiane, Laos.

3rd Korea Forum


27 December,

The 5th ASEAN Forum: "WTO and Vietnam"


13 May, Sungshin Women's University, Korea.

The 4th ASEAN Forum:


25 March, Sogang University, Korea.

The 3rd ASEAN Forum: "Political Reform and Prospect for Democratization in Indonesia"


14-15 February, Jakarta, Indonesia.

The 2nd Korea Forum: “Recent Political and Economic Developments in Korea”


8-9 December, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The 1st Korea Forum: “Southeast Asia; Ancient and Continuing Global Crossroads”


26 November, Sogang University, Korea.

The 2nd ASEAN Forum: "East Asian Cooperation and Integration: Implications of the 1st East Asia Summit"


25 August, Sogang University, Korea.

The 1st ASEAN Forum: "The Crisis of Legitimacy in the Philippines”



Korea-Japan Conference of Southeast Asian Studies 2024, "Searching for Southeast Asian Powers and Wisdom in the Turmoil World.", Pukyong National University, 31 Aug-1 Sept


CSEAS-KASEAS Joint Conference at Kyoto University, 26-27 May on "Engaging Southeast Asian Studies in an Age of Uncertainties."


KASEAS-CSEAS Joint Conference in November (online) on “A Multifaceted Crisis in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Responses.”


CSEAS-KASEAS Joint Conference in November (online) on “Connectivity and Transformation in Southeast Asia.”


The 3rd KASEAS-CSEAS Joint Conference at Mokpo National University, 10-11 May on “Border-crossing and Connectivity of Southeast Asia.”


The 2nd CSEAS-KASEAS Joint Conference at CSEAS, Kyoto University, 28-29 October on "Green and Life in ASEAN: Coexisting and Sustainability in East Asian Connections."


The 1st KASEAS-CSEAS Joint Conference at Gyeongsang National University, in July, on “Interdependency of Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia: The Migration, Investment, and Cultural Flow.”



2024년 한국동남아연구소 월례발표회 2024 KISEAS Monthly Seminar


한-아세안 관계조망 학술대회 International Conference on ASEAN-KOREA Partnership


대학원생 현지 조사 발표회 Future Pro-ASEAN Scholar Support Program Seminar on Field Research


법인(한국동남아연구소) 20주년 기념포럼 KISEAS 20th Anniversary Forum


2024 세계지역연구학술대회 한국동남아학회 패널 KIEP and Associations of Area Studies Conference (KAAS Conference)


『빤짜실라: 인도네시아에서 세계를 위해』 한국어 번역본 출간 기념 세미나 Korean Translation Launch and Seminar for "Pancasila: From Indonesia to the World"


한-인도네시아 수교 50주년 기념 포럼 50th Anniversary Forum Celebrating the Diplomatic Ties Between Korea and Indonesia


KIEP 세계지역연구 학술대회 한국동남아학회 패널 KIEP and Associations of Area Studies Conference (KAAS Conference)


2023년 한국동남아연구소 월례발표회 2023 KISEAS Monthly Seminar


2022년 한국동남아연구소 월례발표회 2022 KISEAS Monthly Seminar


2004-2019 한국동남아연구소 월례회의 2004-2019 KISEAS Monthly Seminar


한-아세안 대화관계 수립 30주년 기념 한국동남아학회 특별학술대회, 아세안문화원, Special Academic Conference by the Korea-ASEAN Association in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Establishment: ASEAN Cultural Center


International Conference on East Asian Cooperation and the Roles of Vietnam and Korea, Hotel Daewoo, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 15 March. (KISEAS)


International Conference on ASEAN-Korea Partnership: Partnering for Tomorrow, Hotel Lotte, Seoul, 30 August (KISEAS)


International Academic Conference Commemorating 25 Years of Korea-ASEAN Relations and the ASEAN-Korea Summit: 'Korea-ASEAN Relations at 25: Reflections and Prospects Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea, 5 December. (KISEAS)


Invited Talk:: Andrew Walker, “String: Binding the State to Local Livelihoods in Southeast Asia”, Sogang Univesity, 14 September. (KISEAS)


Building East Asia Identity Workshop, Hotel Sila, Seoul, 30 January – 1 February. (KISEAS)


International Joint Seminar with the Department of Anthropology & Sociology at University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, 4 February.

NEAT (Network for East Asian Think-tanks)

2004년 제2차 NEAT 총회부터 한국의 국가조정자로 참여하고 있는 한국동남아연구소는 2007년 이후 외교부의 지원을 받아 NEAT WG (Working Group)을 운영하며 동아시아지역협력 증진에 관한 전문가들의 학술적 교류(Track II)를 실질적 정책 제안(Track I)으로까지 이어지는 노력을 지속적으로 수행하고 있습니다.

NEAT WG Academic Events Organized by KISEAS


East Asian Cooperation for SDGs: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 7.25~27 (Seoul, Shilla stay Gwanghwamun)


The Revitalization of ASEAN Plus Three: Towards Stronger Functional Cooperation and Greater Visibility, 6.22~24 (Seoul, Shilla stay Gwanghwamun) Co-hosted with NEAT Indonesia


The Sustainable Development Goals and East Asian Cooperation, 5.19 (Zoom)


East Asia cooperation and Human Security in the Post Covid-19 Era, 7.19 (Zoom)


Networking Cultural Institutions for Socio-Cultural Connectivity in East Asia, 7.3~5 (Busan, ASEAN Culture House)


East Asian Socio-Cultural Connectivity, 7.19~20 (Wonju, Yonsei University)


Institutional Sustainability of NEAT: Towards the East Asian Community, 6.16~18 (Seoul, Garden Hotel)


Establishment of Asian Cultural Archives for the Enhancement of Cultural Exchange in East Asia, 7.6~7 (Seoul, Garden Hotel)


Enhancement of Cultural Exchange in East Asia: Focusing on People-to-People Exchange, 7.21~23 (Seoul, Garden Hotel)


Enhancement of Cultural Exchange in East Asia: Focusing on Education, 6.18~20 (Seoul, Garden Hotel)


Enhancement of Cultural Exchange in East Asia: Focusing on Popular Culture and Cultural Festivities, 5.1~3 (Seoul, Garden Hotel)


Enhancement of Cultural Exchange in East Asia: Focusing on the Media, 6.19~21 (Seoul, Garden Hotel)

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